How to Draw Teeth: Tips and Tutorials for a Perfect Smile

What You Will Need For This Tutorial

To get started, you will need a few supplies. For this project you will need:

  • A sheet of white paper
  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • A black pen or marker

Now that you have gathered your supplies, let’s get started!

How to Draw Teeth?

You can start by drawing a curved line for the top lip and then adding two small lines at the end for the corners of the mouth. Next, draw a straight line down from the middle of the top lip to indicate where the teeth should go. Finally, add in the details of each tooth by making small circles along the straight line.

Try to make them all look different in size and shape for a more realistic look.

Getting Started

Now that you know what supplies you need and have an idea of how to draw teeth, it’s time to get started! In this guide, we will teach you how to draw different kinds of teeth. Follow along with the step-by-step instructions and illustrations below to learn how to draw teeth like a pro!

How to Draw Teeth

1. Sketch the Shape of the Lips and Teeth

Start by drawing a curved line for the top lip and a U-shaped line for the bottom lip. Then add the top 6 teeth by drawing rectangles.

2. Trace Lips and Teeth with a Dark Pencil or Pen

Once you have the basic shape of the lips and teeth, go over your lines with a black pen or marker. Make sure to press down hard so that the lines are dark and visible.

3. Color the Lips

Now it’s time to add some color! For the lips, use a red or pink crayon, pencil, or marker. You can also add some shading to give the lips more dimension. We are going to color the drawing with a simple pencil.

4. Color the Teeth and Add Shadows

For the teeth, use a white crayon, pencil, or marker. You can also add some shading to give the teeth more dimension. We are going to color the teeth with a simple pencil.

5. Finish Up by Adding Any Final Details

Now that you have colored in the lips and teeth, you can add any final details that you want. This could include things like wrinkles around the mouth, freckles, or even a mustache!

How to Draw a Smile With Teeth

1. Set the Mouth Shape

Draw a figure similar to a hammock. The top part of the hammock will be the upper lip, and the bottom part will be the lower lip. The curve in the middle will be the smile line. Add two vertical lines around the edges of the smile and one in the middle.

2. Draw the Lips

Draw the upper and lower lips using the lines you just drew as a guide. Start with a curved line for each lip and then fill it in. Make the line for the lower lip a bit thicker than the upper lip.

3. Draw the Upper Teeth

Draw the upper teeth by starting with two small rectangles. These will be the front teeth. Then, add in the rest of the teeth by drawing small rectangles of different sizes. To finish off the upper teeth, add a curved line at the gum line.

4. Draw the Bottom Teeth

Draw the bottom teeth the same way you drew the upper teeth. Start with two small rectangles for the front teeth and then add in the rest of the teeth. Finish off the bottom teeth with a curved line at the gum line.

5. Add Color and Shadows

Add some color to your drawing by coloring in the lips and adding shadows to the teeth. To add shadows, use a dark pencil or pen to draw lines in the spaces between the teeth.

You can also add a shadow along the gum line.

How to Draw Sharp Teeth

1. Draw the Shape of the Mouth

Draw a shape similar to the hammock as in the first example. The top part of the hammock will be the upper lip, and the bottom part will be the lower lip.

2. Draw the Tongue Sticking out

Draw your tongue sticking out between your teeth. The tongue can be any shape, but it must point upward toward the upper teeth.

3. Draw Sharp Teeth

Draw sharp teeth by starting with two small triangles. These will be the front teeth. Then, add in the rest of the teeth by drawing small triangles of different sizes. To finish off the teeth, add a curved line at the gum line.

You can also add fangs by drawing two small triangles at the corners of the mouth.

4. Add Colors

Add colors to your teeth by using a black pencil or crayon. You can also add shading to create a more realistic look.

Tips & Tricks

  • If you want your teeth to look extra sharp, try adding some pointy tips to the ends of the triangles.
  • You can make your teeth any color you want, but white or yellow teeth will look the most realistic.
  • Don’t forget to add shadows around the mouth and under the tongue!
  • Use a light hand when drawing the teeth so that they don’t look too heavy.
  • Use a reference picture to help you with the proportions of the mouth and teeth.
  • Experiment with different styles of teeth until you find one that you like.
  • If you want to draw a closed mouth, simply draw a line across the middle of the hammock shape. This will be the line of the lips.
  • Have fun and be creative! There are no rules when it comes to drawing teeth.

People Also Ask

How do you draw realistic teeth?

There is no one answer to this question because teeth can be drawn in a variety of ways, depending on the style and look you are aiming for. However, some basics that you may want to keep in mind include using light and shadow to create depth and realism, paying attention to the size and shape of individual teeth, and using realistic lines and textures to give the teeth a realistic appearance.

What is the easiest way to draw teeth?

A simple way to draw teeth is to use a triangle. The apex of the triangle will represent the top of the tooth, while the base of the triangle will represent the gum line. Shade in the triangular shape to create a realistic-looking tooth.

How do you draw a mouth open with teeth?

To draw a mouth open with teeth, you can use a basic oval shape for the mouth and then draw in the lips. Next, add in the teeth by drawing in simple shapes for each tooth. Finally, sketch the details of the face around the mouth. You can use guidelines to help you place everything correctly.

How do you draw a cartoon mouth with teeth?

There are a few different ways that you can go about drawing cartoon teeth. One way is to use a zigzag line to create the shape of the teeth and then fill in the spaces between the lines with either a solid color or a lighter version of the tooth color. Another approach is to draw each tooth as an individual triangle or wedge shape and then shade the sides of each tooth for realism. Finally, you can also use simple curved lines to create a simpler smiley-face-type mouth shape, and then simply add white dots for the teeth.

How do I draw a vampire's teeth?

There are a few different techniques you can use to draw a vampire's teeth. One option is to use a thin, pointed brush to create the sharp points of the teeth. Another option is to draw tooth-like shapes and then shade them in for a more realistic look. You can also use black eyeliner or lipstick to create the effect of a vampire's teeth. Whichever method you choose, be sure to practice until you get the results you want.

How do I draw a shark's teeth?

Sharks have many rows of sharp triangular teeth that are perfect for slicing through flesh. To draw a shark's teeth, start by drawing a simple triangle. Then, add a few more rows of triangles to create the illusion of sharp teeth. Finally, color the teeth with a contrasting color to the rest of the shark's body.

How do you draw a mouth with braces?

If you want to draw a mouth with braces, start by drawing the basic shape of the mouth. Next, add in the braces by drawing two parallel lines with small squares at regular intervals. Finally, add in the teeth by drawing them as simple shapes and then coloring them in.

Congratulations and Keep It Up!

Drawing teeth can be a fun and challenging activity, but it’s also a great way to improve your artistic skills. The examples we’ve provided should give you a good starting point for drawing your own teeth. Don’t forget to have fun with it and experiment!

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